Yu-Gi-Oh!: The 10 Strongest Anime Cards That Will Never Be Printed
Here are 10 cards from the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime that are too overpowered to ever be printed.
Current Corruption Virus
In both the card game and the anime, the easiest way of beating an opponent is frequently to stop them from playing at all. For the small price of a single, if specific, tribute, Current Corruption Virus wipes out all monster effects on the opponent’s field and in their hand for three turns.
It also reduces all their current monsters’ Attack Point values to zero, meaning they can’t even attempt to get any damage out of their negated board. Sadly, being a trap card means it’s pretty slow to use, but it remains an easy game-winner if a player resolves it.
Judgment Arrows
In Yu-Gi-Oh!, Link and Pendulum monsters are balanced by only being summonable from the Extra Deck to certain zones on the field: the initial Extra Monster Zone, or additional zones that a Link Monster’s arrows point to. This means players who want to summon multiple monsters of this type need to set up their boards with specific combos and monsters.
Judgment Arrows, for no cost to the player, lets them skip all of that setup and get three free new Extra Monster Zones plus a damage boost to any Link Monsters in those zones. A card that nullifies an entire game mechanic will probably never see print.
Chaos End Ruler – Ruler Of The Beginning And The End
Chaos End Ruler is a very interesting card, as it is a hybrid of and reference to two of the earlieast overpowered cards in the actual card game. With an easy summoning condition of banishing one Light Warrior Monster and one Dark Fiend Monster from your own GY, the card’s 3500 Attack Points alone are enough to want to use the card in the Chaos decks it was made for.
Its effect of banishing every card in the opponent’s hand, field, and GY and then dealing 500 damage for every card banished is exactly why that will never be legal.
Rose Shaman
Rose Shaman’s effect is as simple as it is broken: During either player’s turn, the player holding it can send it from their hand or field to the GY to draw one card. While it may not sound too terrifying, simple and free draws have been shown to be the easiest way to absolutely break the card game wide open, more so in modern Yu-Gi-Oh! decks than in earlier versions of the game.
With many cards on the official Forbidden/Limited List right now due to their ability to provide draws, a card as easy to abuse as Rose Shaman will never be added to the physical card game.
Card Of Desperation
Drawing three cards only to send the rest of the deck to the GY might seem like asking to lose, but many popular decks both at the tournament level and among more casual fans can gain a lot of use out of having that many cards in their GY.
With potentially eight cards in the hand and thirty or more in the GY, many decks can use that starting point to launch extravagant, game-winning combos that don’t care about not having any cards to draw later.
Beastborg Medal Of The Crimson Chain
This card can only be used in its own, anime exclusive, “Beastborg” deck but that doesn’t make it any less powerful. If a player does control a “Beastborg” monster, and their opponent summons a monster from their Extra Deck, this card allows them to completely neutralize that monster’s effect and ability to battle, while also completely locking the opponent out of summoning any more monsters or using any Spell or Trap Cards.
Such a total and hard-to-break lockdown is enough to be sure that, even if the other “Beastborg” cards eventually make their way to the real game, this card will remain anime exclusive.
Roll Of Fate
Rolling a six-sided die and then drawing cards equal to the result is at worst a basic one-for-one trade of losing this card and drawing one card, while at best it’s gaining an absolutely absurd six new cards for the cost of a single spell card. Even the post-draw downside of banishing cards from the top of the deck equal to the amount the player just drew is so minor it wouldn’t give any player pause before using such a powerful draw spell.
While the repeated use of it is limited by that downside, rolling even a single six would give a player everything they need to win the duel.
Pillager is another effect as simple as it is devastating. Look at the opponent’s hand and steal one card from it. On a casual level, this is a quick and easy way to deny an opponent a valuable card. On a competitive level, where common generic cards are run in multiple decks all the time, it’s a powerful way of both denying that opponent a card while gaining a useful tool for use by the player using it.
Cards that mess with the opponent’s hand are infamously unpopular with both players and Konami’s own Forbidden/Limited list, so it’s unlikely a card this strong would ever be released in the modern-day.
Magician’s Library
The Yu-Gi-Oh! card game is filled with strong, generic, and frequently Limited Spell Cards that are only held back by not being easily searchable. Magician’s Library, and its effect to add any Spell Card to its user’s hand with no cost, is an instant combo starter for the hundreds of decks that rely on those cards.
As a comparison, the only card in the real game that matches that level of search power requires banishing the entire hand of the player who uses it and forbids that player from setting any Spells or Traps face down on the field the turn they use it.
Number IC1000: Numeronius Numeronia
A monster with 100,000 Attack Points that wins the game automatically if the opponent doesn’t attack into it is already broken enough to never see print. Add on an easy summoning condition, protection from destruction, and the ability to negate the attack of any monster that did somehow gain enough power to defeat it in battle and you have a perfect card for an end-of-series anime boss. However, it’s a terrible card for the health of the real-life card game. It is a solid contender for the most broken card in any Yu-Gi-Oh! anime, ever.
Source & Credit: https://www.cbr.com