Cardfight!! Vanguard is a Japanese multimedia franchise jointly created by Akira Itō, Satoshi Nakamura, Mitsuhisa Tamura, and Bushiroad president Takaaki Kidani. It currently consists of multiple anime television series, an official trading card game, a manga series, and an anime/live...
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A hacker made a nine-year-old Google April Fool's joke a reality. In 2012, Google "released" an 8-bit version of Google Maps as one of the company's then-annual April Fool's Day jokes. There was a low-res 8-bit style of Google Maps...
Fortnite can't get more weird. But the Experience also leads to some extremely cool moments, particularly when it comes to live events. And the Ariana Grande concert wasn’t just another exciting live music experience — it also built on Fortnite’s...